Uses of Interface

Packages that use Connect

Uses of Connect in lilypad.client.connect.api

Methods in lilypad.client.connect.api with parameters of type Connect
 void MessageEventListener.onMessage(Connect connect, MessageEvent messageEvent)
          Called when a message has been received by the session.
 void RedirectEventListener.onRedirect(Connect connect, RedirectEvent redirectEvent)
          Called when a player is to be redirected to a specified server by the session when the session is the role of a proxy.
 void ServerEventListener.onServerAdd(Connect connect, ServerAddEvent event)
          Called when a server has been added to the network when the session is the role of a proxy.
 void ServerEventListener.onServerRemove(Connect connect, java.lang.String server)
          Called when a server has been removed from the network when the session is the role of a proxy.